Eye Socket Abscess

What is Eye Socket Abscess?

Orbital abscess – purulent limited inflammation of the orbital tissues.

Causes of Eye Abscess

Eye socket abscess occurs when the disease of the paranasal sinuses, with various infectious and purulent processes in the body, with infection of the orbital tissues as a result of its damage.

Symptoms of Eye Abscess

There are subperiosteal (between the periosteum and the bone wall of the orbit) and retrobulbar (in retrobulbar tissues) abscess. The onset of the disease is acute. Hyperemia of the eyelids, swelling of the eyelids, chemosis of the conjunctiva, pain in the eyelids and orbit. Observed exophthalmos, limited mobility of the eyeball, reduced visual acuity as a result of the development of optic neuritis, the syndrome of the superior orbital fissure. The abscess is resolved under the influence of the treatment or opened through the eyelid tissue with the formation of a fistulous course. In severe cases, the development of orbital cellulitis is possible.

Diagnosis of the Orbital Abscess

If an eye socket abscess is suspected, an obligatory X-ray of the paranasal sinuses and an otolaryngologist consultation are necessary.

Orbital Abscess Treatment

Eliminate the primary focus of infection. Apply semi-synthetic penicillins possessing penicillin resistance to intramuscularly methicillin sodium salt 1-2 g every 6 hours (before administration dissolve in 2 ml of bidistilled water or in 0.5% solution of novocaine), oxacillin sodium salt 0.25-0, 5 g every 4-6 hours (after a few days, they take 1 g through the mouth after 4-6 hours). Intramuscularly administered 4% solution of gentamicin 40 mg. Inside give erythromycin, oleandomycin phosphate, lincomycin hydrochloride, ampioks. When an abscess is formed, surgical intervention is necessary – opening an abscess followed by drainage of the wound.

Prevention of Eye Abscess

Prevention is the timely treatment of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, inflammatory diseases of the appendages of the eye. At occurrence of symptoms of abscess of an orbit it is necessary to address the oculist urgently. Non-specialized medical care can be provided by the appointment of large doses of antibiotics and the elimination of inflammatory processes on the part of the paranasal sinuses. The patient should be hospitalized in the eye hospital. Specialized assistance includes the elimination of the primary focus of infection, primarily the inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses. Prescribe antibiotics and sulfonamides.